the fragility of winter, that echoes the promises of spring

the fragility of winter, that echoes the promises of spring
In the end, like so many beautiful promises in our lives, our date with destiny never came to be

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Insommia "A state of inability to obtain sufficient sleep'

Today is the 6th of July. It has been almost 2 mths since that fateful day. That day when all things fell apart, when my compass lost its bearings and life turned from 'purposeful' to 'aimlessness'. Lost am i still, slipping back into the darkness time and time again as i laboriously tried to make my way out of this long and winding tunnel...praying for a glimpse of the bright scorching sunlight, the one that once lighted up my life and filled it with purpose. i was once in my own world, THE HAPPIEST MAN...nothing seems to go wrong and nothing could get any better...Living was like a dream but why didnt i see, so blinded by i, to not know, to not realise, that dreams may, could, would and had now turned into a nightmare...

a nightmare...something that scares the shit out of you in your sleep, something that makes you jump out of bed in the darkness of the night, screaming at the top of your lungs, something that i never once knew...well, that something had finally caught up...slowly but surely, my dreams had turned into that something...and there you can see helpless as a cripple on a railway, it hit me...and i was tore apart...thinking i was dead...only to wake up and find myself...body whole, heart in this dark and lonely tunnel...

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